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Golden Jubilee Tournament

To commemorate Southgate Badminton Club's 50th year we are conducting tournament among our members in Men / Women Singles / Doubles / Mixed doubles category on Jan 14 / 15 2017 at W.P.Wagner School. Only tournament participants scheduled can play the games for these days. No drop ins accepted.

Tournament Date & Time: Jan 14, 4 - 6 pm Jan 15, 2 – 4 pm at W.P Wagner. The matches will be in the order of doubles / mixed / Singles. Incomplete matches will be extended to the following week. Please bring your own smartphone to view your draws, game time, court details and results ONLINE also a pen/pencil to write down the score.

Please leave your belongings in the viewing area, only officials and players who are playing the game are allowed inside the gym. Draws are finalized but the game schedule times are tentative, based on the court availability you might be called upon anytime to start a game.

Tournament rules:

The Tournament bracket for Women singles and doubles will be round robin, Mixed double & Mens doubles will be double elimination and Mens Singles will be elimination at Quarter final. All players must check in at the draw desk 5-10 before the tournament start time. Late arrivals will result in loss of warm-up time (1 minutes after match is called), Timer starts when one whole team is on court warming up. We need to conduct 78 matches for 42 players in 5 events so please use the time wisely.

Players failing to report on court for their match within 2 minutes of the match being announced will be forfeited.

Players are strongly advised to wear protective eye wear.

Proper athletic clothing and appropriate non-marking footwear are required.

Avoid walking on the courts and near the courts during rallies and games in progress.

Please have your spare racket beside your court, if you walk out of the gym your game is forfeited.

Timekeepers may be present to remind players to start the game on time. The players shall respect the timekeepers and start the game immediately after the first reminder.

If there is a disagreement on the line judge, the call shall be made by the player who is closest to the bird before line judge arrives. Line judge could be requested if resources are allowed.

After each point, the score should be announced loud and clear by both sides of players. The score must be agreed by both sides before the next point is in play.

If there is a disagreement in score, the team announcing the score will be used as an official score before an umpire arrives.

An umpire could be requested if the resources are allowed.

Before play commences, a toss shall be conducted and the side winning the toss shall exercise either to serve / receive first or to start play at one end of the court or the other.

A match consists of the best of 3 games of 11 points, unless otherwise arranged.

At 10 all, the side which gains a 2 point lead first, wins that game.

At 14 all, the side scoring the 15th point, wins that game.

The side winning a game serves first in the next game.

One minute interval between each game is allowed.

In the third game, players change ends when the leading score reaches 6 points players have a 30 second interval.

Neither side shall cause undue delay to the delivery of the service once the server and the receiver are ready for the service.

On completion of the backward movement of server’s racket head, any delay in the start of the service shall be considered to be an undue delay;

Some part of both feet of the server and the receiver shall remain in contact with the surface of the court in a stationary position from the start of the service until the service is delivered.

It shall be a ‘fault’:

In service,

If a service is not correct,

The server and the receiver shall stand within diagonally opposite service courts without touching the boundary lines of these service courts;

The server’s racket shall initially hit the base of the shuttle.

The whole shuttle shall be below the server’s waist at the instant of being hit by the server’s racket. The waist shall be considered to be an imaginary line round the body, level with the lowest part of the server’s bottom rib,

The shaft of the server’s racket at the instant of hitting the shuttle shall be pointing in a downward direction.

In attempting to serve, the server shall not miss the shuttle.

If the shuttle is caught on the net and remains suspended on its top, after passing over the net, is caught in the net;

If hit by the receiver’s partner;

In play, the shuttle:

Lands outside the boundaries of the court

Passes through or under the net;

Touches the ceiling or side walls, players, or a dress of a player

However if it touches a basketball hoop it is a ‘Let’. When a ‘let’ occurs, play since the last service shall not count and the player who served last shall serve again.

Is caught and held on the racket and then slung during the execution of a stroke;

Is hit twice in succession by the same player or partner.

However, a shuttle hitting the head and the stringed area of the racket in one stroke shall not be a ‘fault’;

In play, a player:

Touches the net or its supports with racket, person or dress;

Invades an opponent’s court over the net with racket or person except that the striker may follow the shuttle over the net with the racket in the course of a stroke after the initial point of contact with the shuttle is on the striker’s side of the net;

Obstructs an opponent, i.e. prevents an opponent from making a legal stroke where the shuttle is followed over the net;

Deliberately distracts an opponent by any action such as shouting or making gestures;


SBC will provide one YONEX MAVIS 350 yellow (MEDIUM SPEED) nylon shuttle for each match. Please bring your own warm up shuttle, Player / Team using game shuttle for warm up will be disqualified. Winning team has to update the score desk and return the shuttle.

Tournament Prizes:

First Prize - $100 + Gold Medal

Second Prize - $50 + Silver Medal

Third Prize - $30 + Bronze Medal

Door Prizes for participants.


Tournament Draws & Results will be updated periodically online.

Sponsors: John Robinson CN - Promo items Ashwin Subbaraj Acadia Physical Therapy and Health Centre - $500 Shyamal Raha - $100 Ramesh Devangodi - New Asian Village - West & Haweli >$1000 Family dining vouchers Suresh Kumar Thiruvengadam - $100 Tournament Committee :

Nisha Shenoy, VJ, Kris & Kate Spencer

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